The EASY FAST DIRECT INJECTION system is designed for petrol direct injection engines from 2 to 4 cylinders. The protection and emulation of the fuel injectors are the most relevant aspects of the application and have been developed with consistent laboratory and road tests to ensure maximum driving pleasure.
Reducer: device through which the liquid gas is converted to gaseous phase, reducing and adjusting its pressure.
Filter: filters the gas, it has sensors that measure temperature, pressure of the gas and manifold pressure.
Injector Rail: injects sequentially the correct amount of gas into each cylinder.
Changeover Switch: allows user to switch between gas and petrol and indicates the level of gas in the tank.
Gas ECU: receives signals from various sensors, calculates and provides the parameters for gas operation.
LPG refueling port: device through which the cylinder is filled.
LPG Tank: tank for LPG in liquid and gaseous phase.
Multivalve: allows gas into and out of the tank, measures the level of gas in the tank and is equipped with various safety devices.